Convulsing But Getting Back To Life
Despite the continuing downside pressures in this month of July, signs of the stock market convulsing back to life can be seen. The first sign comes from the Thursday Downside patterns, which had been red since H1 of this month and previous months. However, at H2 this month, the Thursday pattern maintains its Green state in the last two weeks.
Of course, the downside pressures continues usually at mid-sessions because of negative sentiments from the economic situation in the country today, especially the burgeoning deficits the country is suffering right now. Some much ramping in the media over the fear of Covid-19 to drive vaccine consumption keeps the atmosphere more oppressive. However, it is hoped that the notion of safety in a vaccination thrust will help improve business sentiments, particularly among the investors.
Nevertheless, stock traders must take stock on the positive signs in the market today. In the meantime, particularly in days of strong downward pressure, gain instead from the downside instead of losing from it. Go for stocks that really fights back the downside pressure, and keeps coming back up.
(If you need specific information about these specific stocks, visit my Facebook page MARKET FOCUS and PM me.)
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